Major tooth loss can dramatically change your life by impacting how you look, eat, speak, and feel. By replacing lost teeth with dental implants that look natural, Dr. Adi Nokiani can return your life to normal. At Simply Wellness Dental, we offer implants to Vancouver, BC residents, and nearby communities. The answers to these questions about implants give you a better idea of what to expect from this treatment.
When you lose natural teeth, you also lose their roots. Implants are small, titanium screws used to replace those roots. Dr. Nokiani will surgically place the implants in your jaw and wait several months for them to fuse with your bone system. The fusing process is necessary to give the implants the stability and strength to support new teeth. After the implants heal, we’ll attach abutments and your artificial teeth to complete your procedure.
Getting dental implants is lengthy, but the surgery itself is fairly straightforward. During your initial consultation, Dr. Nokiani will evaluate your oral health, general health, bone density, and other factors to confirm that you’re a good implant candidate. Then, we’ll discuss your treatment options and plan your procedure so you’ll know what to expect.
Dr. Nokiani offers implant solutions to suit all tooth replacement needs. We can replace single missing teeth with dental crowns, multiple missing teeth with a fixed dental bridge, and implant dentures for all your teeth. As little as four implants can support an entire upper or lower teeth arch.
Implant surgery is painless, as Dr. Nokiani numbs your mouth for the treatment. Sedation can also help you fully relax in the dental chair. Afterward, you may experience soreness and swelling for a few days, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.
Implants replace your teeth and their roots, something dentures and bridges can’t do. Your smile will look natural, and your new teeth will be strong for biting and chewing. You’ll be able to smile confidently, eat comfortably, and enjoy all the simple pleasures of having healthy teeth again. Getting implants can also prevent dental issues associated with tooth loss, such as bone loss and dental drift. With good oral care, implants can last 30 or more years, giving you a lifetime of quality use.
Implant teeth are brushed and flossed just like natural teeth. You should also see Dr. Nokiani regularly for dental checkups and cleanings. Quality dental care will keep your gums strong and healthy, supporting your implants and new teeth long-term.
If you’re in or around Vancouver, BC, contact Dr. Adi Nokiani at Simply Wellness Dental to learn more about our implant treatments at (604) 229-5922.