Major tooth loss can dramatically change your life by impacting how you look, eat, speak, and feel. By replacing lost teeth with dental implants that look natural, Dr. Adi Nokiani can return your life to normal. At Simply Wellness Dental, we offer implants to Vancouver, BC residents, and nearby communities. The answers to these questions […]
Cosmetic dentistry has made tremendous strides over the years, giving you ample opportunity to improve your smile. There’s no reason to keep your blemished smile when you can improve it. Dr. Adi Nokiani from Simply Wellness Dental is the person to see for cosmetic dentistry in Vancouver, British Columbia. We offer an array of cosmetic […]
It says a lot to have a lovely, self-assured smile. A well-aligned smile is appealing; it makes a good impression on those you meet. Today, straightening crooked teeth is easier than ever with Invisalign treatment. Invisalign offers greater convenience and ease in straightening your smile as there are no metal brackets and wires to contend […]
Although Botox is better known for its cosmetic achievements, it’s also beneficial in treating several dental conditions. At Simply Wellness Dental, we use Botox to help relieve the pain and discomfort of TMJ. TMJ is a jaw disorder triggered by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints in your jaw. Surprisingly enough, the relaxing properties of Botox […]
Does your smile make a good impression on those you meet? Or does it need some cosmetic TLC? If you’re hesitant to smile due to defective teeth, consider cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Adi Nokiani and our Vancouver, British Columbia, cosmetic dental care team offer an array of options for perfecting imperfect teeth and can have you […]
Everyone should feel confident and happy with their smile. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. If you have problems with crooked, misaligned, overlapping or protruding teeth, it’s hard to smile at all, much less with joy or confidence. At Simply Wellness Dental, we offer Invisalign teeth straightening treatment to remedy orthodontic issues and give you […]
That jaw pain, difficulty chewing, muscle spasms, or soreness you feel when you open your mouth could be due to TMD, i.e. temporomandibular joint disorder. This condition could be caused by a jaw injury, stress, bruxism, or genetic predisposition. Lifestyle changes and/or physical therapy exercises can help some people find relief from TMD symptoms. At […]
How much damage can tooth loss cause? Regrettably, quite a bit! Losing prominent visible teeth can devastate your smile, while any form of tooth loss can derail your oral health. Fortunately, you can counter that damage by getting dental implants. Implants from Simply Wellness Dental in Vancouver, British Columbia, can provide total tooth loss relief […]